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About Me

I am Mico Dan, also known as Dan, a FullStack developer hailing from Kigali, Rwanda. My journey into the world of programming began in 2021 with C programming language. This gave me the understanding of core concepts and foundation that I needed in programming. Nevertheless, my unwavering passion for programming continued to illuminate my path. Determined to harmonize my academic responsibilities with my programming enthusiasm, I embarked on a quest to find a more suitable language. This led me to explore JavaScript, opening doors to the captivating realms of web development and mobile app development. Over nearly a year, I have wholeheartedly embraced JavaScript as my primary language. Recently, I faced a significant challenge when confronted with security issues, which prompted me to collaborate with a company "daca" for a two-month period. During this time, I not only leveled my skills in writing clean and efficient code but also gained invaluable insights into the entire development process, from ideation to deployment. I am now eagerly seeking opportunities in dynamic and fast-paced environments where I can contribute to achieving our shared goals. My journey has equipped me with a holistic understanding of engineering and programming, enabling me to discern what thrives in the market and what does not. Presently, my focus lies in elevating projects from their conceptual stages to successful deployment, effectively nurturing the entire development ecosystem. Additionally, I am committed to expanding my professional network and bolstering my online presence. You can stay connected with me via Twitter/X, where I am actively engaged 'MicoDan6.